Froggy Team Six
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Froggy Team Six

Casual Speed Clears
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 Requirements to Join [Read before applying]

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2014-01-07

Requirements to Join [Read before applying] Empty
PostSubject: Requirements to Join [Read before applying]   Requirements to Join [Read before applying] I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 10:25 pm

Hello everyone,

Thanks for taking a look at this topic and having an interest in join join [FTS]. We do have a few requirements but you'll see that they are not of the same of other highend SC guilds. While we enjoy speedclears, we do not take them all that seriously, we don't go for world records etc, we just do them for fun. Our requirements are minimal and we will also teach people new and fun ways  to complete high end areas.

Our general requirement is that you at least know how to use an assassin in terms of speedclearing . For example, if you know the t2s role in FoWSC you fulfill this requirement. So here's a list.

- Know how to SoOSC (Or know how to use a sin in terms of speedclearing)
- Have a positive attitue.
- Have a willingness to learn new speedclears and new ways to speedclear.

Below are not requirements, but desired in our members.

- Be able to donate factions every so often (We try to upkeep 300k).
- Be active, coming on to do activities at least every other day.
- Help in the growth of our guild and develop new/fun ways to clear areas!

Thanks for reading,
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Requirements to Join [Read before applying]
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